Privacy Policy
Shenzhen Junuo Electronics Co., Ltd. is wel aware of the mportance of privay, this page provides an ovevew of the ypes of personal information we reeive and olectduring yours of the stes services,as wel as some of the measures we have taken to protect the nformaton. We hope this wil hep you make informed dedisios about sharing personal nformation wit.
Scope of application
This statement provides an overview of the main parts of the ful text of the lnternet privacy policy, elaborating on privacy practices applicable to websitesInformation gathered.
This station colects personal infomaton on other ocasions when you yoluntarly provide informaton. We may integrate persona informaton olected from you or informaton obtainedfrom a third party to provide you with better user service.
Comply with the agreement, rules, procedures and practices related to this website and related network servicesThis site uses cookies and other technolooies to enhane your online exenence and understand your use of the stes service abits to imorove our sevice ouality, When you vist ouwebsite or use some of our products, the site server automaticaly records information, ndluding URL, P address, browser type and anguage used, and access date and time.
Your Choose
You can refuse to provide us with personal information and / or use cookies in your browser but this may cause some of our features or services to faiIf you request, we wil make sincere eforts to alow you to access your personal information and, when reasonably feasible, to correct or delete such false data.